Oct 19, 2020
I’m often asked how I juggle all the things I am doing. Like most people I’m spinning a lot plates by running a business and having a family. So if that's you too, and you’re thinking I don't even know where to begin, I hear you!
Today I’m going to share with you my secrets to productivity, and specifically the one thing I do every week without fail that sets me up for the best week possible. I swear, without this system, I would be a hot mess by Monday lunchtime.
With this 10 minute weekly task you can feel confident in each day and be sure that you’re always working towards your goals and objectives for your business.
I also wanted to share something very exciting with you in this episode, and if you follow me on Instagram you might have seen, my first book I Do, will be released 2nd November 2020 on Amazon.
I really can’t wait to share it with you all and for it to be out in the world!
To celebrate the release of the book I will also be announcing a very exciting competition on 2nd November, taking place on my Instagram, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for that because you will not want to miss out.
I really hope this episode is a game changer for your productivity, so come and let me know over on Instagram if you’re giving this a go and how you’re finding it.